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Showing posts from August, 2019

Apple Allegedly Shelved Walk-Talkie Feature On Iphone

It was an interesting idea when we first heard about “Project OGRS (Off Grid Radio Service)” which was an internal name for the project Apple was working on with Intel. A feature that would allow text messages be sent across 900 MHz radio spectrum, by-passing cellular networks and allowing offline communication to happen to near by iPhones. Now we’re hearing that Apple has shelved this idea with a possible chance that it would be implemented in future iPhones. The phone business is a place of fierce competition and companies like Apple are always looking for ways to differentiate themselves from the rest.

Travelling with the iPad Pro 2019

Yup, it’s true. The iPad Pro is the best travelling device you can have. I’ve been using the iPad Pro consistently as I’m travelling long term. I gave up my MacBook Pro because quite frankly it was heavy to lug around and when you're trying to meet the 7 KG (15 lbs) carry on limit of budget airlines. The MacBook Pro is about 3 lbs alone! What’s surprising to me is that I don’t miss my MacBook Pro at all. Let me tell you why. Ease of use Using a tablet as your main computing device sounds a little crazy, but depending on what you use your computer for, it might not be that crazy at all. I use my computer for normal things like, blogging, photo/video editing, watching movies, emails, planning, some excel, and browsing. To me it’s the perfect device! The iPad Pro is powerful enough to edit and playback 4K videos in a breeze, whereas the MacBook Pro had struggled quite often with the large footages. I’ve only started to film in 4K recently and noticed this.  iPad

Where is the world heading for computing for consumers?

When we think about all the technologies that are coming out now, it’s quite amazing how fast and far we have come. Within the last 5 years, companies have developed in-screen finger print sensors, 3D cameras, blazing fast mobile processors that make some laptops look like a turtle in relation to computing power - all these things were only things we could have only dreamed of. Now artificial intelligence is being heavily incorporated into products and everyone wants to make things fly. So that begs the question, where are we heading for the next 20 years? If flying taxis and self-driving cars are going to be a thing, then what will all the people who used to drive be doing? And how will this technology shape our society as a whole? In my imagination: - People who used to drive will need to be re-skilled, as I imagine self-driving vehicle services will be owned by a large entity who will maintain and repair all the vehicles. - Currency will be become more and more elec

Long term travel with iPad OS only - What the experience is like so far

Why I’m doing this challenge: I’ve jumped in with two feet. I have sent my laptop back home with my brother and have only the iPad Pro with me as I travel long term in Southeast Asia. I’m doing it.  I want to find out if it is possible to travel long term with an iPad Pro 11-inch only with no laptop at all. Is it possible to have the iPad as my only travel companion for all my computing needs? Before the iPad OS beta releases, the iPad Pro could not meet my needs for travelling due to the lack of file management system. Back then if I wanted to back up my travel photos to my external hard disk, I couldn’t. Now with iPad OS, I can! But, how well does it run? What I normally do on my laptop during travel: Watch Netflix and Youtube Read news articles  Trade stocks through online investment account  Edit photos and videos Manage/transfer photos from my point and shoot camera to my external backup   Use the WhatsApp application to chat instead of using my phone (saves batte