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Showing posts from January, 2020

Technology in 2020 predictions - What will have the most impact?

Welcome to 2020 where technology is only going to become more advanced. We're at the start of another era where the things we invent will change the way we interact with the world entirely. We have Tesla spearheading the elimination of internal combustion engines entirely from the world with their electric car designs that they have open sourced to their competitors to increase implementation. The natural reaction to that is more money is being put into developing battery technology that will ultimately benefit a lot of other industries and products that relies on a having short charge times and long lasting batteries. There are two areas in technology that we predict will have a large impact in 2020. Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning: AI and ML are two big issues that appears to be on both ends of a heated debate. On one end, the fear of AI replacing jobs or having the potential threat to humankind if they become too smart, while on the other the benefits prov