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Showing posts from March, 2012

Canada To Remove The Penny From Circulation

In an effort to save tax payers $11-Million annually, Canadian Government will be taking the penny out of circulation.  "Pennies take up too much space on our dressers at home. They take up far too much time for small businesses trying to grow and create jobs. It costs taxpayers a penny-and-a-half every time we make one," said Finance Minister Jim Flaherty. The change will force retailers and small businesses to reprice their merchandise to the nearest nickel, causing a 2 cent maximum increase. From an inflation standpoint, where there are increase, there are certain to be decreases somewhere else so Canadians need not to worry. Current owners of pennies may still use the penny as a form of currency because the value of pennies will be held indefinitely. The Government plans to begin the removal starting fall 2012. Canadian pennies were first introduced in 1908.

BlackBerry Wallet App: Leave your credit card at home.

Today's discovery on Blackberry App World is the really cool BlackBerry Wallet App. Many of the BlackBerrys being sold today are equipped with the NFC tags that is attached to the back battery case. What it does is it enables the user to wirelessly tap Point-of-Sale (POS) terminals with your phone, like you would with PayPass using your credit card, to purchase items in half the time! (If you've never heard of NFC tags, youtube it. There is a lot of potential to this technology that haven't yet been discovered by many.) The real neat thing about this app is that there is a loyalty card and gift card option! It'll be very useful once merchants accept these cards via PayPass. From my knowledge, you still have to swipe these cards. Nonetheless, the credit card option should do for now. As you can see the fields for entering your card information is quite intensive, and supports the major networks of credit facilities. Rest assured though, Blackberry claims it's

Sears in Downtown Vancouver is closing down

  It's sad but it's true, Sears on Downtown Robson is closing down. This prominent building that houses a lot of good shopping memories will soon be no more. According to local newspapers, Sears plans to shut down this location in Vancouver by October 31st, 2012. I'm sure many Vancouverites aren't very surprised about this, since Sears, in many people opinions, is a boring and old folks place to shop. Interestingly enough though, to try to revive their brand, they've recently launched a new campaign lowering 5000 items in their stores. Items that span from lawn mowers to underwear. Just the other day I was talking to an associate working in the Men's Wear department and he had said that the majority of people that do shop at Sears are mainly of the older generation. Now that I come to think of it, what he said is quite true. (Just look at the picture above!) The younger generation is where a lot of money can be made but Sears is really going to have to step u